1985, Animated film 6 min. 16 mm film, black/white
A shadow play set in the jungle.
Film in collection Archive Royal Academy of Arts Amsterdam
Joelfeest – The Carnival Shout
1994, 13 ½min., 35 mm film, colour.
“The Carnival Shout is a well made, beautiful and suggestive movie. It shows the development of Carnival through the ages, from heathen times until the present day. The carnival processions of many different periods in history are represented with
the help of three-dimensional models: from Teutonic times, in which the horse was honoured, through the modern period, with its interest in worldwide themes. The different carnival processions are punctuated with pixilation shots from people
enjoying the carnival, in which a donkey plays an important role.”
Catalogue Uppsala International Filmfestival, Uppsala, Sweden,1995
“The use of motifs from Breughel, Bosch and Durer lend a particular carnival atmosphere to the picture.”
Natalya Luikevyth, Catalogue KROK International Animated Film Festival, Kiev, Ukraine,1995
Awarded in Charleston and Houston, USA.

2004, Shadow Play 30 min.
Puppets made by artists of Artilabo and performed in Muzipo, Puppet Theatre, Breda.
Schimspel Artilabo
Workshops Shadow Play on request

For information contact: ties.poeth@casema.nl